Hot Rod History

A lot has been said regarding hot rod history. The hot rod was a modified version of a roadster that was borne before the end of World War II. The enthusiasm for custom cars is dated further back to World War I. In both the US and Europe, customization of cars with the well-heeled was more common.

The end of World War II and the beginning of the 1950s saw the creation of a conducive environment for the hot rod and its culture implementation. This took place in southern California. The name “hot rod” first emerged in southern California in the early 1940s. People would craze to run their impoverished cars on the large, non-filled dry lake beds of Los Angeles while adhering to the Southern California Timing Association rules. This idea garnered popularity to the rest of the world after World War II.

The original hot rods were mainly ancient cars, specifically Ford, which were subject to modification to lessen weight and boost aerodynamics. Some of the common changes were to purge redundant parts such as a hood, windshields, and more.

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